Serves 2

At home:
Dehydrate ½ pound raw, washed spinach

Dehydrated spinach in one bag
Parmesan cheese in one bag
Pesto mix in packet
8 oz whole wheat pasta in one bag,
1/8 cup butter or oil in a small container

1 pot with lid for cooking and draining the pasta

1 extra container to set the pasta in while you cook the pesto (I use the containers we eat out of for this purpose)
1 spoon for stirring
Serving dishes and utensils
Extra Salt

On the trail:
1. Boil pasta in water until soft.

2. Drain the pasta carefully.
3. Put the dried spinach and the pasta in your extra container and mix well. The spinach will soak up any remaining water and the warm pasta will steam the spinach.
3. Cook the pesto mix according to the directions on the packet.
4. Combine the cooked pasta with spinach, pesto mix, extra butter or oil if there is any, and cheese. Mix well
5. Serve and eat