My mother put together this collection of old Mount Rainier National Park postcards a few years back from various postcard dealers. Some of the cards have messages enscribed, and their dates range from 1907 to 1956. I had some trouble deciphering some of the old handwritten messages, so please comment if you can read something that I wasn't sure about.

Mount Rainier National Park, Paradise Inn and Tents.
Back: A group of buildings and tents in Paradise Valley, Rainier National Park. Tatoosh Range in the background. On the left is seen a wing of Paradise Inn, on the extreme right the camp service building, while just to the left of this, and partly hidden by the trees is the guide service building and auditorium.
Back: A group of buildings and tents in Paradise Valley, Rainier National Park. Tatoosh Range in the background. On the left is seen a wing of Paradise Inn, on the extreme right the camp service building, while just to the left of this, and partly hidden by the trees is the guide service building and auditorium.

Mount Rainier from Paradise Inn.
Back: On Mt. Rainier is found the largest single glacial system in the World, not excepting Switzerland. Towering 14,408 feet in the air, Rainier is at least a thousand feet lower than it was before its now extinct volcano blew off the top centuries ago.
Back: On Mt. Rainier is found the largest single glacial system in the World, not excepting Switzerland. Towering 14,408 feet in the air, Rainier is at least a thousand feet lower than it was before its now extinct volcano blew off the top centuries ago.

Rainier National Park, Where the Flowers and Glaciers Meet.
Back: Where the flowers and the Glaciers Meet, Rainier National Park. The Nisqually Glacier slowly crushes down the mountainside from its origin at the summit. Among the wild flowers in the foreground are Indian Paint Brush, Blue Lupine, Purple Aster, Dock, and Giant Helibore.
Back: Where the flowers and the Glaciers Meet, Rainier National Park. The Nisqually Glacier slowly crushes down the mountainside from its origin at the summit. Among the wild flowers in the foreground are Indian Paint Brush, Blue Lupine, Purple Aster, Dock, and Giant Helibore.

July 23, 1941 - July 23, 1941. To the family. Greetings from Paradise Valley. Love to all. Jessie.Mount Rainier National Park, Beautiful Frozen Lake and the Mountain.
Back: Beautiful Frozen Lake and the Mountain: Frozen Lake, located near Sunrise Lodge and cabin area provides a perfect reproduction of the Mountain in its deep blue crystal depths. Many more similar lakes complete the unusual setting in the surrounding territory of Sunrise Lodge, Rainier National Park.

November 17, 1947 - Hello Florence, Nice Card, Thanks. Yes, we did get to Mom's. - while there went to the crest for 4 days. Sure swell - weather was perfect. We went on down to northern Calif. to the Redwoods. I too wish you had some of this rain. Are getting more than we need now. Our first hard frost came last night. Love SadieSpringtime at Mt. Rainier, Washington.
Back: Mid-Winter on Alta Vista, near Paradise Inn, Rainier National Park. Snow at this point sometimes reaches a depth of twenty feet in February.

Where flowers and glaciers meet. Mount Rainier National Park
Back: Gorgeous arrays of wild flowers bloom to the very edge of the Nisqually Glacier, one of many, mighty, moving rivers of ice, making this Park the Mountain Glacier Wonderland.
Back: Gorgeous arrays of wild flowers bloom to the very edge of the Nisqually Glacier, one of many, mighty, moving rivers of ice, making this Park the Mountain Glacier Wonderland.

January 21, 1954 - They are having the worst snow here that they have had in years. Over soon I hope. Love HaroldSnowplow on Chinook Pass Highway
Back: This scene is representative of annual task of clearing the highways which cross the Cascades. This snow plow is clearing Chinook Pass for travel through the summer months with Mt. Rainier in the background.

August 6, 1938 - Evalina, This is a wonderful spot! I enjoyed Yellowstone so much. It is very cool here! Enjoyed my visit with you. Hope it will not be too long before we have another.Rainier National Park - Avalanche Lilies and Tatoosh Range
Back: Flower fields in Paradise Valley, Rainier National Park, Washington. Avalanche lilies. Tatoosh Range and Pinnacle Peak shown in background.

July 31, 1941 - We entered the Park on this road. The trees are mammoth and so tall it is hard to see the tops from the bus. - ChapmanRainier National Park, Highway entering Paradise Valley.
Back: The Mountain as seen from the highway at Marmot Point, just entering Paradise Valley. Rainier National Park.

More than 500 varieties of wildflowers grow on the slopes of mighty Mt. Rainier
Back: Greetings from the State of Washington - This card is furnished for convenience of men and women in the armed services by the Department of Conservation, and Development - Division of Progress and Industry, P.O. Box 907, Olympia, Washington. Write the Department for any information desired about the state or for Victory File for use in planning your first after-war vacation.
Back: Greetings from the State of Washington - This card is furnished for convenience of men and women in the armed services by the Department of Conservation, and Development - Division of Progress and Industry, P.O. Box 907, Olympia, Washington. Write the Department for any information desired about the state or for Victory File for use in planning your first after-war vacation.

Rainier National Park Inn and Mt. Rainier, Washington.
Back: Rainier National Park Inn, Rainier National Park, showing the Paradise River flowing along the floor of the valley below, and the great mountain rising majestically beyond the Inn. Nisqually Glacier, which is easily accessible from the Inn, may be seen crushing down the side of the mmountain.
Back: Rainier National Park Inn, Rainier National Park, showing the Paradise River flowing along the floor of the valley below, and the great mountain rising majestically beyond the Inn. Nisqually Glacier, which is easily accessible from the Inn, may be seen crushing down the side of the mmountain.

North Fork, Mt. Rainier, Wash.
Back: Rainier National Park Series.
Back: Rainier National Park Series.

Mt. Rainier and Lake Tipsoe, Washington.
Back: Mt. Rainier and Lake Tipsoe, Washington.
Back: Mt. Rainier and Lake Tipsoe, Washington.

July 26, 1956 - Hi Helen: How are things in good old Brockton? I know it is hot. Nice and cool here and as pretty as can be. But Brockton is good too isn't it. Love the apples not ready to pick. (?Becareful?) Would like to have been with you @ the Circle meeting. Best regards to all the folks and love to you. ???Mt. Rainier and Daffodil Fields. Washington.
Back: Ideal soil and weather conditions make the bulb industry one of major importance in the Puyallup Valley and many other sections of western Washington.

Rainier National Park - Blue Lupine and the Mountain
Back: The flower fields of Rainier National Park, Washington. Blue Lupine, Paradise Inn may be seen in mid-foreground. Southern exposure of Mountain and Nisqually Glacier.
Back: The flower fields of Rainier National Park, Washington. Blue Lupine, Paradise Inn may be seen in mid-foreground. Southern exposure of Mountain and Nisqually Glacier.

May 28, 1907 - Snow on this mountain in plain sight. WalterMount Rainier From Seattle, 14,500 feet
Back: Mount Rainier From Seattle, 14,500 feet